Economic Diversification is a key element in government national development plans and policies for economic growth and poverty reduction, particularly in rural areas, and a key issue for organisations and companies in the private sector – but it will take a joint effort to achieve. To gain a better understanding of what the landscape for Agriculture and Tourism could, or should, look like in 5-10 years’ time, the British Chamber of Commerce, in association with IAPRI, has invited key speakers from the public and private sectors to present their respective views.
The Minister for Agriculture, Honourable Given Lubinda and the CEO of ZAMACE, Mr Jacob Mwale will speak on Agriculture, while Mr Felix Chaila, CEO of the Zambia Tourism Agency and Mr Edjan van der Heide, Chairman of the Kafue Park Operators Association will speak on Tourism.
Date and Venue: 28 April 2016 at Taj Pamodzi Hotel at 18:00