British Chamber of Commerce in Zambia and the Association of Power Companies event on Energy

British Chamber of Commerce in Zambia and the Association of Power Companies event on Energy
Dear Members and Friends,
You are invited to attend our co-hosted event on “The Landscape for Zambia
Energy in 2035″ on 27 September from 07.30. What can we expect to see in
terms of output, transmission structures and efficiencies, sources of
energy, private sector engagement and investment, and how will all this
place us in the region energy environment?
Our speakers range from the Ministry of Energy and the Energy Regulation
Board in the public sector, to major consumers, Africa Greenco and the
Association of Power Companies in the private sector. Come and participate,
learn about current government policy and its intended outcome and ask
questions to stimulate the discussion.
The event will be held at the Southern Sun Ridgeway. Doors will be open for
registration from 07.30 and start at 08.00, probably ending some time after
10.00. Entry is free for members and friends. Snacks and beverages will be
Guests must please register their acceptance with our CEO Mr. John Paton and with a copy to Muka Mutanuka at APC, copied herein.

PwC Zambia’s Doing Business in Zambia Webcast

PwC Zambia’s Doing Business in Zambia Webcast

Dear Members and Friends,

If this is of interest, please join PwC’s Webcast – Doing Business in Zambia.

The discussions will provide insights on key developments in the country that are essential for investment opportunities and decision making.

To register for the event, follow this link:

Should you have any particular questions about doing business in Zambia, please send them to and ahead of the session.



Zambia has over the past decade been in a transitional state from a land locked to land linked country, complementing regional development plans as the strategic link of the Corridor Network in the SADC and COMESA regions. Zambia’s drive to a land-linked status will enable us to facilitate trade and serve our neighbors through our inland transport infrastructure and services. In recognising the fundamental role that transport plays in Zambia’s and regional development, the Land-Linked Zambia Conference was developed as a high-level platform for constructive dialogue between stakeholders to promote the growth opportunities available in the regional intermodal transport sector. The inaugural event was held from on the 24th to 25th February 2022 in Lusaka attracting d over four hundred (400) registered delegates from nine (9) countries namely: Botswana, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Zambia being the host state.

This year, the Land-Linked Zambia Conference will be hosted from 22nd-24th March 2023 at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka. The Conference will be hosted under the theme ‘Leveraging on the Impacts of the African Continental Free Trade Area for the African Transport Industry’ focusing on the intra- Africa movement of goods and people.

The Zambia Development Agency will be participating in the Land Linked Zambia and we would like to extend an invitation for British Chamber of Commerce Zambia (BCCZ) to participate in the event by registering or contacting the event secretariat directly

Contact: Mildred Mwanza

Phone: 0211 267296/9 or 0955 920084


Investor Mission to Zambia

Investor Mission to Zambia

Dear Members,

The Invest Africa delegation will be visiting Zambia for an investor and trade mission scheduled for 20 – 23 March 2023.

The Mission is aiming at providing insights into the wide range of investment and trade opportunities in the wide range of sectors that are of interest to Zambia.

An invitation has been extended to members of BCCZ. We hope that some of you will be interested the meet the Mission and connect with the delegation.

For more details;

Click to access Invest-Africa-Mission-programme-3-23.pdf

Live2Lead Lusaka Leadership Conference

Live2Lead Lusaka Leadership Conference

Dear Members
You’re invited to Live2Lead Lusaka Leadership Conference which will take place at Mulungushi International Conference Center – Kenneth kaunda Wing
on Wednesday, February 22nd 2023 at 2pm.

Presented by AB-Leadership Solutions in partnership with Image Promotions Zambia, the John Maxwell Live2Lead conference is a half-day conference that seeks to empower and equip Zambia’s professionals and business leaders to lead with excellence because … everybody deserves to be led well.

For more information: CLICK

EUZBC Compliance Matters, 24th November, 2022

EUZBC Compliance Matters, 24th November, 2022

Dear Members – please see the invitation below from the EUZBC and attend their event if you wish to.

The European Union- Zambia Business Club (EUZBC)
wishes to invite you to


Thursday, November 24th, 2022

16:00 hrs. – 19:30 hrs.
Venue: Taj Pamodzi Hotel

We are pleased to invite you to our next event, “EUZBC Compliance Matters” to be held on November, 24th 2022 at Taj Pamodzi Hotel from 16:00 to 19:30.

This event is aimed at discussing the recent tax developments, arising from the 2023 National Budget presentation to Parliament by the Honourable Minister of Finance Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane and provide an opportunity to better understand the balance between penal measures and compliance.

We anticipate lively discussions by the Commissioner General of Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA), Mr Dingani Banda, who will discuss on various measures announced in the Budget as reflected in the various Bills and Statutory Instruments. A further conversation will follow to discuss current and anticipated review of pension system by the Director General of the National Pensions Scheme Authority (NAPSA), Mr. Muyangwa Muyangwa.

The members will have an opportunity to ask questions, seek clarifications on various issues that affect their business and also make proposals that will feed into the EUZBC position paper.

The event is planned for the 24th November, 2022 from 16:00 to 18:00 after which there will be a networking event until19:30. The venue will be confirmed at a later stage with the agenda.

This presents a perfect opportunity for paid up members to interact and network. Invoices for the year 2023 will be shared with all members shortly.

Please see agenda below.


16:00-16:30    Registration of participants

16:30-16.40     Welcome Remarks and Setting the Scene by Mr. Andrew Chibuye, EUZBC Board Treasurer and PwC Country Senior Partner

16:40-16:50    Remarks by Mr. Jacek Jankowski, EU Ambassador to Zambia

16:50-17:00    Key note speech by Mr. Muyangwa MuyangwaNAPSA Director General,    17:00-17:30    Presentation by ZRA

17:30-18:00    Presentation by NAPSA

18:00-18:15    Open Discussion (Q&A)

18:15-18:30    Closing remarks

18:15-18:30    Networking Cocktail

Please note, the attendance is restricted to a maximum of two (2) representatives per EUZBC member, and to a maximum of 80 guests in total. Therefore, your early confirmation is important.

RMB In-Country sessions : Zambia

Dear Members and Friends,

If you would like to join this event, please enter per the invitation, RSVP, as attached.


Event details
Date: Thursday, 25 August 2022
Time: 15:00(SA), 14:00 (UK), 09:00 (NYC)
Format: MS Teams Live
RSVP: Click here to access the webinar
Agenda Following G20 common framework credit refinancing assurances, progress with the IMF Board and disbursements expected soon, a lot could be lining up for Zambia.

The meeting seeks attain on-the ground views from Zambia’s specialists on socio-political, economic, market and public sector developments.








Welcome and introduction from RMB


Guest speakers

Daniel Kavishe – Macroeconomist for RMB

Luyanga Mufungulwa – Head of Markets, FNB Zambia

Gerald Ndhlovu – Head of Trading, FNB Zambia

Oliver Simpokolwe – RMB Coverage, Public Sector

15:45 Questions and answers
16:00 Session ends
For any queries, please contact the International Sales team

Certified Chief Risk Officer (CCRO) – Training Programme

Certified Chief Risk Officer (CCRO) – Training Programme

Dear Members,

The Institute of Risk Management Zambia is pleased to once again partner with the acclaimed Swiss Institute of Management from Switzerland in offering a virtual twelve (12) week internationally recognised Certified Chief Risk Officer (CCRO) training course. The course will run from 8th August to 28th October 2022.

This 12-week program is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the theory and practice of the present day strategic risks, uncertainty and enterprise risk challenges which organisations face from a strategic perspective in any work setting.

The programme is structured for Board members, Controlling Officers, Chief Risk Officers, Risk Directors and Senior Management Executives on how to navigate this new expectation through the latest best best in Enterprise Risk Management and Corporate Governance. All participants will learn to develop an enterprise risk framework and implement for their respective corporation starting from aligning the enterprise risk strategy to corporate strategy through identification, measure, monitor, control and mitigate key risks with the right tools.

This CCRO program is accredited by both the Swiss Institute of Management and the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC) of the United Kingdom and also meets the standard criteria of the Zambia Qualification Authority (ZAQA).

Upon a successful completion, participants will be awarded an international recognised certificate – Certified Chief Risk Officer. This dual accreditation ensures that the program meets the highest standards in design, training materials, delivery and assessment.

Those interested in this training programme should complete the registration form attached OR contact our Programmes Officer, Mr. Brian Chasha on

The CCRO training brochure will only be sent out upon request.