Speaker Event on Powering Zambia

Taj Pamodzi Hotel Addis Ababa Drive, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia

In the wake of the Powering Africa conference in Livingstone in June this year we are holding an event to follow up on what was discussed and what the future of power in Zambia might look like over the next ten years. We will hear from Mr Oscar Kalumiana, Director of Energy at the Ministry of …


CEO’s Lunch

Taj Pamodzi Hotel Addis Ababa Drive, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia

The British Chamber of Commerce in Zambia will be holding its CEO’s networking lunches, sometimes with a speaker, on 19 October. To attend this and any other BCC events, please email us with your details at least two days before each event at info@britishchamberzambia.org

CEO’s Lunch

Taj Pamodzi Hotel Addis Ababa Drive, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia

The British Chamber of Commerce in Zambia will be holding its CEO’s networking lunches, sometimes with a speaker, on 16 November. To attend this and any other BCC events, please email us with your details at least two days before each event at info@britishchamberzambia.org

CEOs Lunch

Taj Pamodzi Hotel Addis Ababa Drive, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia

Speaker Event: State of the Property Sector in Zambia

Taj Pamodzi Hotel Addis Ababa Drive, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia

The Chamber is planning to hold this event to discuss the property sector in Zambia. Details to be announced in due course.

CEO’s Lunch

Southern Sun Ridgeway Hotel Church Road, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia

Zambia’s Property Sector: What is the Current State of Play and Where are the Opportunities?

Southern Sun Ridgeway Hotel Church Road, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia

The Chamber is planning to hold its next Speaker Event on 1 June at 18.00 at the Southern Sun Ridgeway hotel on Zambia’s Property Sector: what is the current state of play in the commercial, agricultural, industrial, retail and residential sub-sectors and where are the best opportunities for investment?

BCC Monthly Lunch – September 2017

Southern Sun Ridgeway Hotel Church Road, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia

The Chamber will hold its monthly networking lunch (speaker to be announced) on Wednesday 20 September at the Southern Sun Ridgeway at 12.30. If you would like to attend this event, along with any colleagues or guests (all welcome), please let us know by c.o.b on Monday 18 September.   Please remember that if, having …

Governance in Zambia

Our next evening speaker event will be on Governance in Zambia. Our speakers will be:  Dr Roland Msiska, Secretary to the Cabinet and Zambia’s most senior civil servant, who will speak about organisational governance in Zambia’s public sector. Dr Patrick Chisanga, formerly DG of the ZDA and now a consultant specialising in corporate governance, among …

British Chamber of Commerce Christmas lunch

Southern Sun Ridgeway Hotel Church Road, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia

A reminder about our Christmas lunch next week, 13 December at 12.30 at the Southern Sun Ridgeway. K150 per head with a cash bar. Shebo Nalishebo from ZIPA will be giving his end of year wrap: what went well, what didn't and what we may expect in 2018. All welcome but please advise if you …
