New Membership Category Criteria and Subscription Rates for 2016
We have reviewed the membership category criteria and subscription rates for 2016. Taking into account practices adopted by other organisations as well as changes in the value of the Kwacha, we have increased the category bands for Small companies to revenues of less than K5m a year, for Medium companies to revenues from greater than K5m and less than K50m and for Large companies to revenues greater than K50m. Subscription rate increases have been kept to between 25% and 33%. in Kwacha terms but a reduction in USD terms. The new criteria and rates are set out in the downloadable application form.
Subscriptions can be paid electronically or by leaving a cheque at the offices of Knight Frank next to the Ministry of Finance. Please ensure all payments show your company’s name
As a special offer we are offering a 10% discount on the new rates for new subscriptions and renewals paid before 31 December 2015. If you need an invoice please let us know and we will send you one. Current members do not need to complete another application form but merely make payment identifying the company.
Visit the Membership Page to download the application form.